Sorry it's taken so long to post. My company, MetroBike, LLC, has been very busy with work for the upcoming bike-sharing programs in Arlington, Virginia, USA and Copenhagen, Denmark. Both programs will be very exciting, so stay tuned.
I wanted to share with The Bike-sharing Blog readers a new report of mine in The Journal of Public Transportation titled "Bike-sharing: History, Impacts, Models of Provision, and Future". The paper "discusses the history of bike-sharing from the early 1st generation program to present day 3rd generation programs. Included are a detailed examination of models of provision, with benefits and detriments of each, and a description of capital and operating costs. The paper concludes with a look into the future through discussion about what a 4th generation bike-sharing program could be."
If you're coming to this site, you'd likely find the report interesting. So make yourself a cup of tea and enjoy the read.
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