[Check out Russell Meddin's guest article this month at Renault's Sustainable Mobility website. - Paul]
The Bike-sharing Blog provides information on bike-sharing services around the world and is the sister publication to The Meddin Bike-sharing World Map. The Blog is provided by MetroBike, LLC based in Washington, D.C.
Where has all the time gone? The Bike-sharing Blog was born four years and 275 posts ago today. That’s sharing about 69 posts per year. Russell and I combined don’t even brush our teeth that often in a year.
As we enjoy the sugary icing of the Blog’s birthday cake, we thank you for your continued reading of our little Blog. And here’s to everyone who is making bike-sharing happen in their city or town, campus, park, or office park! We look forward to all the exciting developments on which we will be writing about in The Bike-sharing Blog’s fifth year.
Paul DeMaio and Russell Meddin, The Bike-sharing Blog co-authors
p.s. – Paul is the good-looking guy with curly hair on the left and Russell is debonair guy on the right. And no, we’re not wearing spandex.
Capital Bikeshare Launches New Performance Dashboard
(Washington, D.C.) Capital Bikeshare launched a new website today that provides a wealth of performance data about the bikesharing program, including monthly statistics for ridership, membership, customer service, fleet performance and safety.
The Capital Bikeshare dashboard is available at cabidashboard.ddot.dc.gov. It was developed by the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) as part of the agency’s continuing effort to improve transparency and release performance data related to its transit services.
“This new dashboard unleashes the data that we have accumulated with each electronically-recorded Bikeshare trip,” said DDOT Interim Director Terry Bellamy. “We encourage our members, casual users and anyone interested in the system to review, analyze and download the information and provide us with your feedback.”
The dashboard features 18 individual performance metrics, which fall under four categories: Ridership, Fleet Performance and Safety, Customer Service and Membership. Performance metrics include: Trip Origin/Destination by Station; Trip Origin/Destination by Municipality; Fleet Maintenance (Number of bikes inspected/repaired) per month; Rebalancing (Number of times bicycles picked up and dropped off at stations); and total number of users. The data covers the entire Capital Bikeshare system, including the District and Arlington.
Through this portal, the public will be able to review system-wide information, compare performance metrics by different time intervals, and download data for individual custom analysis.
In order to guide users through the site, DDOT has prepared an online Dashboard Tutorial, which is available on DDOT’s YouTube Channel, providing a voice-narrated, step-by-step overview of how to use the Dashboard and maximize its features.
Preceded by the Circulator Dashboard, the first dashboard of its kind in the Washington Metropolitan region, the Capital Bikeshare dashboard’s creation is a reflection of DDOT’s continued commitment to transparency, government accountability and best practices. The information and data contained in the dashboard is scheduled to be updated on a monthly basis.
For any inquiries about the dashboard, users are asked to contact DDOT via email at cabidashboard@dc.gov.
Capital Bikeshare is the product of a unique public/private partnership between DDOT, Arlington County and Alta Bike Share. The two jurisdictions worked closely with Alta Bicycle Share to develop the program in the fall of 2010, offering regional service with 1,100 bikes and 114 stations. Based on the initial success of the program, both jurisdictions plan to add additional stations and bicycles to the system by the end of the year.
The service is a joint venture of the Municipality of Ljubljana and the advertising company Europlakat (a partner of JCDecaux in Slovenia). Even before the launch, 1,633 advance registrations had been made through their website -- http://en.bicikelj.si/. Registration is available for a year at three euros and a week at 1 euro. The first hour is free of charge, the second is 1 euro, third is 2 euros, and each additional hour is 4 euros. The service is operable 24 hours per day throughout the year.
Special thanks to Janez Bertoncelj, Ljubljana's cycling coordinator for assistance with this article.