50,000,000 usages since start in July 2007
6,000,000 single day passes
170,000 yearly subscriptions
23,900 bicycles in service by the end of the 2009
94% of the users of Vélib’ are satisfied with the service.
90% stressed the ease of use and the price.
84% like swiping the subscription card rather than entering in numbers to access a bike.
54% are dissatisfied with the condition of the bikes - as a result, a new public service advertising campaign against Vélib’ vandalism has begun
56% are satisfied with the availability of bikes, but only 42% are satisfied with the availability of empty racks when returning a bike.
The best reasons for using Vélib’: 90% said it reduces pollution and it makes it is easier to get around, 86% said it helps complete the trip when using public transportation, 85% said it is good for their health and 69% noted the cost.
64% of the users are Parisians 36% live outside the city limits including the suburbs and visitors to the city.
18% are 16-25 years old, 37% are 26-35 years old, 23% are 36-45 years old and 22% are 46 and over.
Yearly subscribers are about 60% male and 40% female with 27% of them using Vélib’ as their principal mode of transportation.
Single day and seven day subscribers are close to 60% female and 40% male. 46% of users are less likely to use their car up from 28% last year.
24% of usage is between 9 PM and 3 AM.
27% of subscribers go to work or school only with Vélib’.
Intermodal commuting to work or school in conjunction with other methods of public transport: 28% use Vélib’ to get to public transport, 28% use Vélib’ from public transport to their destination and 23% use Vélib’ to transfer between public transport.
image: Vélib’ newsletter
Nice to see it working!
I am in Paris for a couple of months and would love to use the Velib system. My U.S. credit cards do not have the required smart chip. Is anyone aware of another way to purchase access to Velib?
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